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Beyond Denial, Through Spiritual Empowerment to Personal Healing and Planetary Transformation

Beyond Denial, Through Spiritual Empowerment to Personal Healing and Planetary Transformation

This is it!! It is high time that we come out of Plato’s cave and see the true beauty and unlimited potential within us and within our community of like-minded free thinkers.

In this sixth webinar in the Essence of Life, Love, Healing series we will pull together all the theory, wisdom, and experiences we have explored (and practiced!) in parts 1 through 5.

Our goal will be to escape the denial, the subception, that has allowed the accelerating destruction of our planet, its governments, its climate, and ourselves.

Seeing is believing, feeling is the Truth

As usual, we will feature both a scientific and an experiential approach, visual demonstration, and guided imagery meditation to embody the truths that emerge. Our goals are to:

• Access true self-knowledge,

• Open to the level of wisdom

• Allow the emergence of Spirit and its teachings

• Nurture our courage

• Apply the power of empathy and compassion to access the potential of collective intelligence and collective wisdom, E Pluribus Unum.

As usual, we will conclude with a Life Meditation which comprises all these in a manner that allows us to mindfully embody their potential for creating the life and the world we truly desire.

Adventures in Attitude: The Power of Gratitude Webinar

Adventures in Attitude: The Power of Gratitude Webinar

The challenges of social isolation and being separated from work and other positive social experiences often brings up feelings of frustration, irritation, helplessness, and low energy. In helping people transform negative emotions and low energy states into positive, productive ones I have found it valuable to help people gain access to the inner experience of Gratitude. During this video, I will share with you what I have learned and a guided imagery meditation for accepting loss and change and moving on with enthusiasm and gratitude. “Happiness is watching a sunset and knowing whom to thank.”


Launch Your Week Right Webinar

Launch Your Week Right Webinar

Negative emotions feel bad, distract, and suppress immune systems. Here’s why and how this happens, plus a beautiful Guided Imagery Meditation with tools to reverse them and resist COVID-19 infection.

Your Two Brains – Meeting the Looming Crisis Webinar

Your Two Brains – Meeting the Looming Crisis Webinar

We are approaching a social and personal catastrophe unlike any before: a half-million unnecessary deaths from a virus, armed riots in our streets, an accelerating climate crisis, and the potential collapse of the greatest democracy the world has ever known! I wish this were an exaggeration, but in fact, this is only a partial list. And all of it is completely preventable, if only we could use the incredible intelligence dormant within our minds. Instead, our lives have been doubly hijacked: once by the too-rapid development of civilization, and now by the craven inventions of “attention engineers.” Civilization presents us with stressors that are producing and exacerbating all our illnesses and dysfunctions. Attention engineers have learned to use techniques of mass hypnosis to capture the stress response and use it to drive our behavior for financial and political gain. The result is our insecurity, frustration, social discord, and political polarization. If you feel scared and helpless, that’s what they want you to feel! It is a lie! You are not helpless, and fear is not helpful. It is simply time to upgrade your mental operating system, take charge of your mind and your life, and participate in restoring sanity to our world.

It is time to learn how to turn this Titanic around, and it starts with learning to use the Mind-Tools that can wrest control from your monkey mind and unleash the power of your prefrontal cortex. In today’s Webinar, we will examine the process (propaganda) our overlords and their minions have used to produce this “learned helplessness.” We will then learn to use our inner mental tools to foment an internal revolution, find internal peace, and regain control over our minds.


Healing Ourselves and Our Planet at the Same Time Webinar

Healing Ourselves and Our Planet at the Same Time Webinar

“By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The non-existent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.” – Nicos Kazantsakis                      Healing ourselves and our planet requires the same mental tools and application of wisdom. We will explore and experience healing meditation to assist us in becoming more whole.

The Curse of Propaganda – How to Free Our Minds Webinar

The Curse of Propaganda – How to Free Our Minds Webinar

We have defined a “New Paradigm” for Deep Healing and experienced the power of Love (with a capital L). Now we will see how the “Old Paradigm” of duality, domination, fragmentation, and anxiety has corrupted our lives, personally and collectively, and is leading toward a global catastrophe. In this webinar, you will learn more about System 1 (the limbic “monkey mind”) and how Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, developed tools to manipulate it. Bernays coined the term “propaganda,” led the US into war, and provided Hitler with the means to create the Holocaust’s horrors.