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We are approaching a social and personal catastrophe unlike any before: a half-million unnecessary deaths from a virus, armed riots in our streets, an accelerating climate crisis, and the potential collapse of the greatest democracy the world has ever known! I wish this were an exaggeration, but in fact, this is only a partial list. And all of it is completely preventable, if only we could use the incredible intelligence dormant within our minds. Instead, our lives have been doubly hijacked: once by the too-rapid development of civilization, and now by the craven inventions of “attention engineers.” Civilization presents us with stressors that are producing and exacerbating all our illnesses and dysfunctions. Attention engineers have learned to use techniques of mass hypnosis to capture the stress response and use it to drive our behavior for financial and political gain. The result is our insecurity, frustration, social discord, and political polarization. If you feel scared and helpless, that’s what they want you to feel! It is a lie! You are not helpless, and fear is not helpful. It is simply time to upgrade your mental operating system, take charge of your mind and your life, and participate in restoring sanity to our world.

It is time to learn how to turn this Titanic around, and it starts with learning to use the Mind-Tools that can wrest control from your monkey mind and unleash the power of your prefrontal cortex. In today’s Webinar, we will examine the process (propaganda) our overlords and their minions have used to produce this “learned helplessness.” We will then learn to use our inner mental tools to foment an internal revolution, find internal peace, and regain control over our minds.