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How to Release Shame and Embrace Self Worth – Essential Prep for the Holidays & Life Webinar

How to Release Shame and Embrace Self Worth – Essential Prep for the Holidays & Life Webinar

Each year, during these darkest of months, many cultures celebrate with candles, colored lights, and bonfires to reawaken within us the remembrance of the “everlasting light” within. In the darkness we often find ourselves dwelling on shame, guilt, resentment, and remorse associated with the past. It brings us down emotionally and hides from us the fact that each of us is a brilliant, blessed, unique spirit, with unlimited potential.

The 6 Principles of Stress Webinar

The 6 Principles of Stress Webinar

Claude Bernard, a French physiologist once referred to as “one of the greatest of all men of science”, taught that the internal balance of the body was more important than Louis Pasteur’s “wee beasties” in the causation of disease and illness. Thousands of scientific studies reveal this to be true. Stress causes the release of hormones, cytokines, prostaglandins, free radicals, and other destructive chemicals that destroy organs and make them susceptible to disease. Current studies show stress is the major factor in up to 90% of our illnesses, physical, mental, and emotional. We know this, but few of us realize that the energy of stress can be harnessed and transformed into healing, resilience, creativity, and joy. In this webinar, we will explore a few simple and enjoyable “mind-tools,” mental algorithms, that you can learn with a little patience.

You will be invited to experience the power of mindfulness, enter a meditative state of presence, rewire your nervous system through guided imagery, apply techniques of self-hypnosis, let go of stress, and harness its energy to do your bidding.