EcoMind – Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want: A Conversation with Anna Lappe [Free Podcast]

EcoMind – Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want: A Conversation with Anna Lappe [Free Podcast]

Anna Lappe

Do we really have a dangerous climate change underway? Is it man-made or not? Is there anything each of us as individuals can do about it? Huge amounts of money are spent to convince us that there is nothing to worry about, and as President George Bush said after Sept 11, “Whatever you do, don’t stop shopping.”

Today’s guest, widely respected author and educator Anna Lappe, disagrees with Faux News and others who disclaim the “Climate Change Hoax” of the scientific community. Known for her work as an expert on food systems and as a sustainable food advocate, Anna shares with us her belief that ideas have enormous power and that humans are capable of changing failing ideas in order to turn our planet toward life.

In this revealing conversation we try to identify the core, often unspoken, assumptions and forces now taking our planet in a direction that, as individuals, none of us would choose. We look beneath the wasteful and superficial “consumer frenzy,” to see that consumption is a wonderful window into our feelings of empowerment, security and connection, and beyond technology fixation to see the importance of relationships in the change we want to make.

Anna shares with us the power of our mental frames, how we have been programmed to believe in the myth of corporate power, and how we can, instead, dispel the helplessness and hopelessness we have been trained to feel, and bring our true power forth. Through her Small planet mission Anna teaches people that they need no longer disparage their actions as “mere drops in the bucket.” Once we’re able to see the “bucket,” we realize our drops are quite spectacular.

Come, join us in this very timely conversation. You can purchase Anna’s most recent book, Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork and What You Can Do About It at Dr.Miller Recommends Amazon Store.


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Diet For A Hot Planet

Diet For A Hot Planet

Beyond what we already know about “food miles” and eating locally, the global food system is a major contributor to climate change, producing as much as one-third of greenhouse gas emissions. How we farm, what we eat, and how our food gets to the table all have an impact. And our government and the food industry are willfully ignoring the issue rather than addressing it.


The Wisdom of the World: A Conversation with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. [Free Podcast]

The Wisdom of the World: A Conversation with Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. [Free Podcast]

downloadAngeles Arrien Ph.D. has been one of my favorite people for many years, as one of those who has been as interested in trans-cultural approaches to psychology, spirituality, and global healing. You will love some of the profound insights she shares about cultivating hope, uplifting the human spirit, and awakening our potential for collective wisdom and transformation.

Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. Her work is currently used in medical, academic, and corporate environments. She is the President of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research. Her books have been translated into thirteen languages and she has received three honorary doctorate degrees in recognition of her work.

To me she is “Angie,” one of my mentors – who awakened in me an awareness of the importance of story, and catalyzed my writing of Deep Healing – The Essence of Mind-Body Medicine. In this conversation, we explore the value of inspiration, challenges that stretch us beyond our comfort zone, and respect. You will learn about the value of surprise, and the creative rather than the defensive approach to life.

Dr. Arrien continually refers to the traditional teachings of indigenous cultures from around the world, and the profound oneness of the wisdom that all cultures have evolved. You will love this episode.

Don’t Be A Dick, Be A Jane – A Conversation with Elisa Parker, Honoring International Women’s Day [Free Podcast]

Don’t Be A Dick, Be A Jane – A Conversation with Elisa Parker, Honoring International Women’s Day [Free Podcast]

Elisa Parker and Dr. MillerThis year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Inspiring Change,” and in keeping with that, today’s guest is a superhero when it comes to inspiring women to discover their personal purpose and passion, and to bring that passion into action in the world. Elisa Parker is the co-founder, president & host of the award winning radio program, See Jane Do, and where she shares her wisdom, experience, and guidance serving women, social justice, and the environment.

In today’s episode we explore some of the roots of the enormous sexual inequality in our society, and how to change our story, personally and collectively, to transform our world. And transforming it desperately needs. Elisa will explain the media platform she has developed precisely to help awaken and support women through an online magazine, her weekly radio show on KVMR, the Passion Into Action Conference, and more.

Elisa also shares with us her own story, and the deeply moving passion that awakened her to her purpose. With degrees in Communications and Organizational Development, she is ideally prepared to serve this purpose, which takes her around the world to discover and share the extraordinary stories & solutions in each of us.

As you will learn, until a few thousand years ago the essential wisdom of the feminine was the central organizing principle of essentially all communities and cultures. The invention of powerful weapons made it possible for man to create a new kind of culture, one built on domination and subjugation. Now instead of honoring the needs of the earth and the balance of life, armed hoards could invade, steal food, rape, and enslave. The era of the sky gods and the masculine/dominant paradigm had begun. The resulting destruction of the planet and its peoples is obvious, from the killing fields of Syria to the sex slaves in San Francisco.

The world is changing faster than ever before, and we are reaching a crisis point. The complexion of our nation is changing, and the Old Paradigm is crashing. The best future is one that is informed and guided by the wisdom that women can bring out of the shadows and into the open – the wisdom of Love, nurturance, conversation, and peace. Bring it on!

Physician Heal Thyself – How We Can Help Medicine Get Over Its Own Illness: A Conversation With Rachel Remen, MD [Free Podcast]

Physician Heal Thyself – How We Can Help Medicine Get Over Its Own Illness: A Conversation With Rachel Remen, MD [Free Podcast]


Rachel-Naomi-Remen-Headshot-226x300Today’s conversation features best-selling author, physician, and thought leader Rachel Remen M.D., whose work is changing doctors and medical schools throughout the world.

“I first met Rachel in the early 1970s, when she visited Esalen Institute to experience the work we were doing to create a new kind of medicine–one that was holistic and that focused on self-healing and human potential,” reminisces Dr. Miller.

In this conversation, you will hear how her “mind was blown,” and about her transformation from a typically rigid, emotionally closed, chief of a department at Stanford University Hospital to founder of “The Healer’s Art Curriculum.” This is a course that has enabled many thousands of physicians and other health professionals to transform their lives and deepen their sense of calling and service. It has been featured in US News & World Report in 2002 and 2005 and is presently taught in 60 medical schools here and 9 medical schools abroad.

You will find out why Dr. Remen says that “the footprints of the future are in the present,” and about how there is a hidden curriculum in modern medical education–one which gradually disconnects young doctors from their life purpose. You will hear how this leads to emotional repression, isolation, and burnout, on the part of the health professional, and ultimately, substandard care of patients and clients.

Listen, and discover more about the importance of being able to meet loss with presence, create real relationship between human beings (because, as Dr. Remen says, “medicine is an act of love”), and move beyond the “isolation of rank” to discover the “unity of service.” You will hear touching stories about physicians as they awakened from their slumber to discover the truth about healing and human relationship.


Further Learning With Dr.Miller’s Guided Imagery Programs

Caregiver Support and Stress Management – Treating and Preventing Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver Support

A Heart-to-Heart Talk to inspire caregivers to value their health and their work followed by a deep relaxation/meditation and guided imagery experience for stress reduction and healing for the caregiver.

Today’s caregivers are under extraordinary stress. Right now, we are all looking at the challenges of dealing with a huge aging population (every 8 seconds a baby boomer turns 65). This leads to an increasing amount of care being rendered by people who aren’t health care professionals.

Buy Caregiver Support And Stress Management MP3

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body – A Conversation with Dr. Dennis Kravetz [Free Podcast]

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body – A Conversation with Dr. Dennis Kravetz [Free Podcast]

download (1)

“As a young physician, the world of medicine and human health was very lopsided. We treated the patient as a machine, and little or no attention was paid to the possibility that what people thought, how they felt, how they ate, and how they exercised was almost totally ignored. This is what led us to develop the field of mind-body medicine. Scientists began to test our theories, and the evidence piled up.

Dr. Kravetz, a psychologist and fitness buff, has written a very well researched review of what we are now sure of: that by balancing our diet, exercise, psychology, and mind, we can add as much as 30% more years to our lives. And make sure that those years are high quality and enjoyable years!” – Emmett Miller

In this lively and convincing conversation we will touch on the highlights of the work that has made Dr. Kravetz successful in working with one half of all the Fortune 500 companies and the Navy, as well as his individual coaching clients. You will learn about Lipase, the chemical that dissolves fat, and how simply you can adjust your exercise to create it. You may be surprised to hear of huge studies indicating that the correct exercise patterns can prevent 75-90% of heart attacks, and can stave off cancer as well.

We will look at the simple basics of a healthy diet and why it keeps us healthy, then examine the role of your personal psychology on your wellness and longevity. Surprisingly, this factor may be more important than the well-researched diet and exercise factors in this.

Finally, we will explore the ways we can keep the mind alive, alert, and clear well into our later years – even till the end. Dementia is avoidable. Come and share this hour with us and discover how.

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In this live presentation, Dr. Miller shows clearly how stress is not something that happens to you, stress is the result of how your limbic system, the unconscious level of your mind reacts. You will learn how the chemicals of stress, such as cortisol, create the friction in the body that produces most of our illnesses and slows recovery from all of them. Relaxation is the specific antidote to tension, and using it is the key to managing stress effectively.

You will be treated to two deep relaxation experiences and guided imagery focused on awakening your body’s ability to heal itself. Finally, we will explore the amazing power of the mind, Denial, how it can block us from total wellness. You will learn how denial blocks healing, and how you can use Guided Imagery and Deep BuyDVDButtonRelaxation to heal your body. Featuring many colorful photographs, graphics, video clips, and music to enhance the inner imagery experiences, this video is one you will watch time and time again.  A great gift for someone who has received a serious diagnosis!

The Power of Music and The Healing Environment: A Conversation with Susan Mazer, PhD. [Free Podcast]

The Power of Music and The Healing Environment: A Conversation with Susan Mazer, PhD. [Free Podcast]


“Not long after developing the tools of guided imagery meditation and Selective Awareness (mindfulness), I discovered how much more powerful they were when skillfully wedded to beautiful music and nature sounds. Not long after that, I met Susan Mazer, and we performed together, blending the uniquely beautiful sound of her harp with my voice. The results were spectacular!” – Emmett Miller

Dr. Mazer has a doctoral degree in Human and Organizational development as well a Master of Arts in Musicology, and has come a long way since that time 30 years ago. She has produced a huge library of beautiful nature images and soothing music that is available to every patient in more than 700 hospitals. Check it out when you are next in a hospital – it is the CARE Channel. She has gained professional recognition for her work demonstrating the need to counteract the noise in hospital and other healing environments.

In this warm and personal discussion, you will get to know the woman herself and her concepts of how music can shift the sense of time and place to enable patients to claim their identity in the healing process, overcoming helplessness, and speeding recovery. She will reveal why she sees the environment as a primary tool in the healing process, and quotes Florence Nightingale’s observations on this point. If you or those you love become ill, it would be good to understand this oft-neglected tool of healing.

And, especially, you will experience Dr. Mazer’s transcendent harp solo and together with some guided imagery with Dr. Miller – their first collaboration in more than 30 years. You’re going to love this episode!

Bio Sketch:
Susan Mazer earned her Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate University, where she also holds a Master of Arts degree. She was previously awarded a graduate fellowship to Stanford University where she completed her Master of Arts in Musicology.

Dr. Mazer is also an adjunct faculty member of the Saybrook University College of Mind-Body Medicine. She graduated from Wayne State University and was born in Detroit, Michigan. In 1992, she and her husband, Dallas Smith, founded Healing HealthCare Systems (HHS). Included on INC Magazine’s list of 5,000 fastest growing small businesses in America, HHS produces The C.A.R.E. Channel relaxation programming for patient television. Prior to her work in healthcare, Dr. Mazer had a full-time career as a jazz harpist, performing with Smith, and such notables as Ahmad Jamal, Frank Sinatra, and Julio Iglesias.

Her accomplishments include bringing the issue of hospital noise to the forefront of hospital concern through her accredited educational programs for nurses and presentations at conferences. In addition, Dr. Mazer is an expert in the field of privacy and HIPAA.

A well-published author, Dr. Mazer has written articles and white papers for major healthcare journals and periodicals focusing on noise in hospitals, speech privacy, patient safety, elder care, and other related topics. She has also been featured on “Good Morning America” as a hospital noise expert.

She is a member of the American Gerontological Society, Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Association of Healing Healthcare Advocates, Stanford Alumni Association, Wayne State University Alumni Association, and Cass Technical High School Alumni Association. Dr. Mazer and Smith received a 2012 Symposium Distinction Award for their contributions to the healthcare design industry and were named to Facility Care Magazine’s list of
Who’s Who of Health Facilities Management for their work on noise reduction.

Dr. Mazer and Smith’s music has been featured on NPR, the Discovery Channel, and NOVA. They are also the founders and sponsors of the Elder Care Concert Series in Reno, NV, which is administered by the Sierra Arts Foundation.